Anechoic chamber in addition to considering building body size, shielding, electromagnetic wave absorption chamber performance, wholesale electronics suppliers design or use other facilities is also very important, TDK's strategy is to provide a "package" solution. "TDK anechoic chamber not only provides the design, installation, testing equipment and also provides power line filters, signal line filters and other complete solutions, while also providing training and technical support services." Shozo Masuda said.
TDK (Shanghai) International Trading Corporation Radio, Wholesale Electronics & Accessories Head of Sales Department of Beijing University Jin Li also introduced the type of chamber to use a lot of power and signal lines, they have strict requirements of the electromagnetic shielding, TDK provides the corresponding power filter and signal line filters . And the way the power base to be a power line filter, a different cable, fiber, etc. require different types of signal line filters, in great demand. " wholesale electronics suppliers If the test failed, then, TDK also provide the appropriate solutions, such as electricity sensor NFC, NFC chip and a magnetic component such as smartphones with EMC to reduce noise." Xue Jin further pointed out.
The frequency of the future of electronic products continues to expand, wholesale electronics suppliers which requires EMC testing also demand and variable. TDK Corporation Radio Engineering Division Technology Minister Hiroshi Kurihara that included in EMC EMI and EMS testing, EMI testing is currently the most used 30MHz band, and 1GHz to 18GHz frequency bands used for a gradual expansion, 18GHz to 40GHz is future use of the band. EMS testing frequency from 30MHz to main 6GHz, the future will be developed to 18GHz. The TDK Absorber extended to 40GHz frequency bands, respectively, and 18GHz, fully meet future market demand.