
Tips for Android tablet shopping (3)

About how to choice a goood android tablet, plz read as belows .I am sure that u can benefit from that .

Tactile Android buttons

The Android OS specifically calls out for at least three hardware navigation buttons: home, back, and menu (some also include a search button).wholesale electronic online

Like the Apple iPad, the Maylong M-150 included only one button on its face, relegating the other controls to touch-screen buttons. And though the Maylong's one button looks like a Home button, it actually behaves like a back button. It's bizarre and frustrating, and it does a disservice to the Android OS.

The lesson here: Android devices need the Android three-button hardware scheme to work properly. Also, test the buttons to make sure they behave as you'd expect.

Just because an Android device includes an app store doesn't mean it uses the official Google app store. In fact, only a handful of Android tablets we've tested (Dell Streak, Samsung Galaxy Tab, ViewSonic ViewPad 7) actually include the Android Market.

Sometimes, an Android device will offer no app market at all (often the case for e-readers, such as the Nook Color). Others, such as the Maylong M-150 or Archos tablet line, use their own app store with limited offerings.online wholesale electronic

The easiest way to check if the app store is legit is to dive into the top-ranked apps and look at the selection. If you don't see a Pandora, Gmail, Yelp, or other top-tier apps, you're probably dealing with a phony storefront. Another way to tell, most phony storefronts only deal in free apps, or free demos that ask for money only after the app is installed.

